Our services

We become the business intelligence area in your company.

In Atalaya we offer two kind of services:
·    Customized reports: according to your needs, we design a structure to report the contents you need to have a clear and comprehensive view of the relevant themes in the environment for your organization.
·    Generic reports: we will be creating reports about the most important features in Mexico’s business environment and in specific industries. We will be publishing them in http://www.atalaya.info/

You can receive these reports as single issues, or as an annual subscription that will let you have a continuous flow of key information for your company.

The themes we present in our reports cover:
·         Economic variables
·         Legal and government environments
·         Consumption trends.
·         Industrial activity outlook
·         Labor force situation
·         Social changes and trends
·         Competitiveness
·         Technology
·         Environment
·         Corporate social responsibility
·         Management themes
·         Megatrends analysis
·         Specific industries reports